Flat and VLAN Mixed NetworkΒΆ


Above image shows a sample configuration of a flat and VLAN mixed network. To use this scenario, the following configuration options are needed:

  • In the neutron ML2 plugin configure file (default file name is /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini), make sure that the flat_networks and network_vlan_ranges property lines read as follows:

    flat_networks = vsw2
    network_vlan_ranges = vsw3:1:4094
  • In the neutron z/VM agent configure file (default file name is /etc/neutron/plugins/zvm/neutron_zvm_plugin.ini), the following options are needed:

    cloud_connector_url = http://

After restarting the neutron server and neutron z/VM agent, follow these steps on the OpenStack controller to create the network and subnet for each of the physical networks

  • Create the flat network:

    openstack network create --shared --provider-network_type flat --provider-physical_network vsw2 singleflat2
  • Create the appropriate subnet for the flat network:

    Openstack subnet create --allocation-pool start=,end= --network singleflat --subnet-range --gateway singleflat-sub
  • Create the vlan network. Enter the following command:

    openstack network create --shared --provider-network_type vlan --provider-physical_network vsw3 --provider-segment 521 vlannet
  • Create the appropriate subnet for the vlan network:

    Openstack subnet create --allocation-pool start=,end= --network vlannet --subnet-range --gateway vlannet-sub

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